Phase one
Age 9 y 6 mo
In treatment for 24 months

This Phase One patient had an open bite and overjet. Open bites are often caused from bad habits like thumb sucking and tongue thrust. Dr. Arruda corrected this by using a tongue habit appliance and TADs (temporary anchorage devices), which are mini implant anchors used to move teeth fast and efficiently.
Phase one
Age 8 y 6 mo
In treatment for 15 months

This Phase One patient had a crossbite and crowding issues. Dr. Arruda corrected both issues with an expander and partial braces, and made room for future adult teeth to come in in the right spot.
Phase one
Age 8 y 10 mo
In treatment for 12 months

This Phase One patient had a tongue thrust which caused an open bite. A tongue thrust habit is involuntary consistent pressure from the tongue onto the front teeth while either swallowing or at rest. Dr. Arruda treated him with an expander and tongue spurs: small metal spurs positioned behind the front lower teeth in order to cause discomfort when the patient tries to tongue thrust.
Phase one
Age 9 y 5 mo
In treatment for 10 months

This Phase One patient had a crossbite that Dr. Arruda treated with partial braces and an RPE (rapid palatal expander), which expands the roof of the mouth with consistent force. If not treated, a crossbite can cause adverse wear and tear on the teeth over time.
Age 13 y 5 mo
In treatment for 21 months

Dr. Arruda treated this teen patient’s crossbite, ectopic eruption, and crowding with braces and an expander. An ectopic eruption is when a tooth comes in at a place where we would ideally not like it to be. Early intervention was essential for this case.Teen
Age 12 yo
In treatment for 22 months

Dr. Arruda treated this teen patient’s crowding and crossbite with braces, extractions, and TADs (temporary anchorage devices), which are mini implant anchors that allow forces to be applied directly to bone and help move teeth more efficiently. A crossbite refers to when teeth are on the wrong side of the opposing teeth when biting down.
Age 14 y 2 mo
In treatment for 22 months

Dr. Arruda treated this patient’s serious overjet with extraction and braces. Early intervention is important when treating overjets because teeth are more responsive to movement, and treatment can be completed faster, with incredible results.Teen
Age 12 y 5 mo
In treatment for 26 months

This teen patient had an overjet, overbite, and crossbite, which Dr. Arruda treated with braces and an expander. Expanders are used to efficiently increase the width of the palate and help to achieve harmony between the size of the upper and lower jaws.
Age 13 y 4 mo
In treatment for 21 months

This patient had a crossbite and an impacted incisor, likely caused by trauma to the baby tooth at a younger age. Dr. Arruda used an expander to correct the crossbite and created space for the tooth that was impacted. They then had periodontal surgery where a chain was bonded to the impacted tooth and used to bring it into the correct space.
Age 13 yo
In treatment for 22 months

This teen patient had crowding issues, a crossbite, and an ectopic eruption. An ectopic eruption is when a tooth comes in at a place where we would ideally not like it to be.
Age 11 y 10 mo
In treatment for 17 months

This teen patient had spacing issues and a deep overbite. Spacing issues can impact gum health as food particles may get trapped between the teeth that have open contacts.
Age 14 yo
In treatment for 24 months

This teen had an open bite, a supernumerary tooth, and an impacted incisor. A supernumerary tooth is an extra tooth in addition to the usual complement of teeth. Extraction of the supernumerary tooth in addition to four premolar teeth was used to achieve closure of the bite and harmony of the smile.
Age 22 y 6 mo
In treatment for 18 months

This adult patient had a deep overbite and and asymmetry between the right and left alignment of the bite. Dr. Arruda corrected the bite asymmetry by using a distalizing appliance in combination with Invisalign clear aligner trays.
Age 26 y 3 mo
In treatment for 29 months

This adult patient had a missing tooth, deep overbite, crossbite, and crowding of the lower teeth. Crowding of teeth is caused by a lack of arch space needed to accommodate the size or number of teeth present. Dr. Arruda treated the crowding with braces and the extraction of three teeth, which also allowed for symmetry of the bite to be regained and all spaces to be closed.
Age 27 y 3 mo

This adult patient had an open bite, ectopic eruption, crowding of teeth, and an asymmetrical bite. Dr. Arruda treated the bite with braces, extractions, and the use of rubber bands. Rubber bands are worn by the patient to bring specific teeth together and achieve alignment of the bite.